UCLA GME Appointment Levels Policy

UCLA GME's policy on appointment levels. Understand the criteria and expectations for various levels within the graduate medical education system.

UCLA GME Background Check Policy

To protect the UCLA Hospital System patients and employees.

UCLA GME Clinical and Educational Work Hours Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines in accordance with the ACGME requirements for the monitoring of work hours.

UCLA GME Disaster Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define the basic procedures and assigned responsibilities to efficiently address house staff training experiences.

UCLA GME Disruptive Physician Policy

To create and maintain an environment free from intimidating, disruptive, threatening and violent behavior.

UCLA GME Diversity Statement

We, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, aim for excellence in all tenets of healthcare.

UCLA GME Drug Free Workplace Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines to ensure a drug free workplace at UCLA Health System.

UCLA GME Eligibility, Selection and Appointment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for recruitment, selection and appointment of residents and fellows.

UCLA GME Email Policy

UCLA GME's email policy. Learn about guidelines ensuring effective communication and compliance within the graduate medical education community.

UCLA GME Evaluation and Records Policy

A written evaluation of each house officer shall be made by the attending physician on each house officer's rotation(s).