Admissions Popular FAQ

There's definitely no one thing. There are a variety of factors that go into being admitted.

The biggest thing is being confident about what you're bringing to the table and knowing why you want to be a physician. As long as you know why you want to be a physician and you can use all of your experiences, all the things you've done up to this point to highlight why you want to be a physician, you have just as good a shot as anyone else.

We do not have a minimum MCAT requirement. We do not have a minimum GPA requirement. We do not have a set course or group of classes that you need to take. However, we do have a set of competency levels. As long as you meet those competency levels, you can feel confident to apply.

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To meet application requirements, one must have: 1) an undergraduate or graduate degree from a US/Canadian institution, 2) a valid MCAT score, and 3) (for Traditional MD Track only) an AAMC PREview exam score.

As far as other typical medical school requirements, we do not have a minimum MCAT requirement or a minimum GPA requirement. We do not have a set course or group of classes that you need to take. However, we do have a set of competency levels. As long as you meet those competency levels, you can feel confident to apply.

We consider applicants from all candidates regardless of their state of origin or their country of origin. We welcome the best candidates from everywhere.

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No. In-state students do not have an advantage. 

At the David Geffen School of Medicine, half of the applicants admitted each year are from out of state. The other half are in-state (reflective of a heavy number of CA applicants), and we also have a percentage of international students who join our program each year. 

We welcome the best candidates from everywhere.

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The application for medical school at the David Geffen School of Medicine opens up in May and you're eligible to submit your application in June.

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The deadline is at the end of September, so that gives you 3 to 4 months to complete your application, to collect your letters of recommendation your materials and everything else that you may need.

So you've got plenty of time, but definitely apply earlier rather than later.

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We do not have a list of required courses.

We list competency areas and as long as you feel that you meet those competency areas, we invite you to apply to medical school

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The holistic admissions process takes into account all the elements of your application. We do not put focus on any one factor. We do not have a minimum MCAT score or a minimum GPA. 

Holistically, we're looking at your experiences to understand you as an individual. What kind of clinical experiences do you have? What type of community service or volunteer experiences do you have? What type of leadership experiences do you have? Do you have any research experience? 

There is no one way to get into our school. If anything, there’s 175 ways, because that's going to be the size of our matriculating class.

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